New Developments in Yemen civil war, the historical background that ...

In Turkey [solidarity demonstration to the Uighur people] | [View ... Read New Developments in Yemen civil war, the historical background that has been repeated division civil war Read New Developments in Yemen civil war, the historical background that has been repeated division civil war Southern separatist faction in the month in the Yemen civil war uprising in Aden, news that eliminating the interim government troops flow. The author is in Egypt, seen as devour Aden video Qatar's Al-Jazeera TV that reflects in the satellite broadcasting. The southern forces from Aden to the uprising and set a independent, is since North and South Yemen civil war of the year prior to the year. At that time, Aden is fall, ended up in the north of the victory. The author at the time, went to Aden, which fell as Asahi Shimbun Middle East correspondent.

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