In Turkey [solidarity demonstration to the Uighur people] | [View ...

In Turkey [solidarity demonstration to the Uighur people] | [View ... This is a supplement ed column [Oezil criticized the players, "Uighur oppression"] (0 date). Mesut Özil players who belong to [Arsenal FC] in the English Premier League football () is the day, minority ethnic Uighurs of China Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is sent to the concentration camps, pointed out that in response to the inhumane treatment, world toward the Muslim country, [the Koran is burned, the mosque is closed, the Islamic seminary is then closed down, the clergy were killed from the next to the next, brothers (Muslims) who is forced to detention facilities It explained that] have been sent to, and appeal as [by Muslims of the world, Protect the Uighurs]. Own Oezil players also devout Muslim (Turkish) is disappointed that the voice to denounce the Uighurs of oppression in the Muslim country does not come out, but became this unusual appeal, appeal in the "wilderness not end the cry ", it is called the great response. 0 days in Istanbul, Turkey west, demonstration thousands of citizens to denounce Uighur oppression of the Chinese Communist Party regime has been carried out.

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