Demonstrations continued destruction and [parent neutral manner] ...

In Turkey [solidarity demonstration to the Uighur people] | [View ... Demonstrators of the message to make a large amount of sticky notes written [Lennon Wall] tapioca shop where there is (on the right) To enable the delivery to mainland China of criminal suspects [fugitive prisoners regulations] fight, which started the Hong Kong police and the demonstration from the amendment, which is expected to further bogged down in the future. Such circumstances, there are Japanese living in Hong Kong have seen crying in the mayhem of the shade! Lupo writer Yasuda MineShun (Yasuda Minetoshi), who heard their deep sigh. [Demo recession] is hit the restaurant! Since the month this year, it is followed by a violent demonstration to protest against the parent China specific local government in Hong Kong. Hong Kong police have issued a number of people seriously injured in the demonstration side by live ammunition firing, carried out a hard-line suppression, such as firing ten thousand rounds close tear gas by mid-month. The last month the day happened also incidents that Japanese college student who was in collision scene is arrested.

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