Why do you dispute is large in Africa

In Turkey [solidarity demonstration to the Uighur people] | [View ... Why do you dispute is large in Africa? We often hear the news about the conflict in Africa. Why do you dispute is large in Africa? In Rwanda in Central Africa, it occurs genocide to ethnic minorities the (Tutsi) was targeted in the year, at least 00,000 people were killed. It became the trigger of this massacre, among the civil war, the people of the government central that Tutsi were suspected to be supporting the anti-government armed groups, was that appealed to kill them. Leaders of the nation should protect the people, it is a terrible incident that called for the people of the killing. In the West Africa Nigeria, Boko Haram listed the Islamic radicalism, it has kidnapped the girls more than 00 people in 2.0 years. Boko Haram has already continued to armed conflict more than 2.0 years in Nigeria northwestern region, including the neighboring countries, such as Cameroon and Niger, has given rise to serious damage. Why conflicts in Africa frequently? Consider from recent years of specific cases.

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