The reason for Yemen conflict do not know quite satisfactory

In Turkey [solidarity demonstration to the Uighur people] | [View ... The reason for Yemen conflict do not know quite satisfactory What is Yemen? Republic of Yemen is located in the south-east of the Arabian Peninsula, an area about million square kilometers, is a country of a population of about 000,000 people (2.0 years the United Nations estimates). That said, a result that has passed through the North and South Yemen unified 0 years became the present form, the civil war of the year. In the north centered on the Sanaa, but the Kingdom of the leaders of the First World War after zaidiyyah the (Imam) and chiefs has been established, Yemen Arab Republic founded by the revolution of the year, through the interference caused by Egypt, 0 years civil war continued until. South Yemen, the United Kingdom to the century had been occupied dominate the Aden is the center city, became the Yemen Democratic People's Republic of independent a year. Civil war of the results of the year, superiority is confirmed of Kyukita Yemen forces, Ali Abdullah Sir riff (0 years to resign.

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